The Parsons' Cause
Remembering the legal conflict at the root of American independence from British colonial rule.
Remembering the legal conflict at the root of American independence from British colonial rule.
The Parsons’ Cause was a legal conflict rooted in the volatility of the tobacco-based economy and the state-sponsored Church of England. It marked the beginning of opposition to British authority in the internal affairs of the colonies. The Parsons’ Cause was the first in a series of protests directed toward the Crown in the 1760s and 1770s. The case also revealed a growing dissatisfaction with the established church in Virginia.
A young attorney named Patrick Henry argued the sentencing phase of the case on behalf of the vestry. Henry delivered an impassioned speech in which he criticized the clergy and what he perceived as an overreach of British authority.
Henry’s role in the Parsons’ Cause enhanced his image as a lawyer and launched his political career. Patrick Henry is also known today for his famous "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech which helped inspire the American Revolution.
Visit the Historic Hanover Courthouse where the famous trial took place to see a variety of historic reenactments, including the famous Parsons' Cause Trial!
All performances take place at the Historic Hanover Courthouse:
13182 Hanover Courthouse Road, Hanover, Virginia 23069.
The Parsons’ Cause Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Virginia corporation.